Monday, July 5, 2010

Genesis: By Bernard Beckett



“What does it mean to be human?” The answer lies within the mystery of Genesis. Set in a postapocalyptic future, the novel takes the form of an examination undergone by young Anaximander as she prepares to enter an enigmatic institution known simply as The Academy. For her subject she has chosen the life of the philosopher-soldier Adam Forde, her long-dead hero. It is through Anax’s presentation and her answers to persistent questioning by her examiners that we learn the history of her island Republic, along with the rules and beliefs of their society. At the completion of the examination, when everything has been laid bare, Anax must confront the Republic’s last great secret, her own surprising link to Adam Forde, and the horrifying truth about her world.


Imagine your entire life’s work summed up to one point. One test that decides everything about your future.

This is what we are introduced to in the world of Genesis.

Anaximander is sitting for her final exam. The decision made here will change her world forever, and it is through this judging that we will hear the story of how the world was destroyed and recreated, Adam Ford’s story, also known as the story of Genesis.

Genesis is a creative and exhilarating mixture between Richard Matheson’s “I Am Legend” and the movie I, Robot. It is an ingenious blend between the suspense of what is to come and the anticipation of discovering what it was that created the situation that we’re reading about today.

Genesis is an intelligent and intriguing read. It provides intelligent arguments and really examines the pertinent question offered up in the book, “what is it that makes us human”. Science fiction fans favoring a more philosophical look at the world will love this Genesis, as it becomes a new cult classic.

Unfortunately Genesis is not perfect. First and foremost is the price. Genesis is $10.95 for a 150 page book. It is an interesting and exhilarating book, but it is still very short. Second while fans of a more philosophical book will eat this up, this is not for anyone looking for action or adventure. Genesis is built up as a philosophical thriller and that is exactly what it is, no more no less. And anyone looking for something else will be disappointed.

All in all a good book that is a tad on the expensive side. A very interesting read that philosophical readers will love, as it begs the question “What makes us human.” And leaves audiences shocked with the result.


8 out of 10


Publisher: Mariner Books

Published: May 11, 2010

Price: $10.95

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