The capital has fallen...
Field Marshal Tamas returns to his beloved country to find that for the first time in history, the capital city of Adro lies in the hands of a foreign invader. His son is missing, his allies are indistinguishable from his foes, and reinforcements are several weeks away.
An army divided...
With the Kez still bearing down upon them and without clear leadership, the Adran army has turned against itself. Inspector Adamat is drawn into the very heart of this new mutiny with promises of finding his kidnapped son.
All hope rests with one...
And Taniel Two-shot, hunted by men he once thought his friends, must safeguard the only chance Adro has of getting through this war without being destroyed...
With the completion of his first published trilogy Brain McClellan has set his mark upon the fantasy landscape, establishing himself as a master of his trade.
The Autumn Republic and the rest of the Powder Mage Trilogy are absolutely thrilling. I don't know how McClellan has done it but it honestly felt as if the entire book was one adrenaline filled action sequence after another, with no declining moments in the pace. If fact, between all of the different events going on, there was hardly a place to put the book down to go to sleep.
Further, unlike other books in which the action acts as a substitute for development and growth of the characters and plot, The Autumn Republic offers new plot lines and character development in spades. This is so much the case that McClellan has taken a mid-level character who previously had a few scenes and has since raised her to the level of co-protagonist. In fact, between the beautiful tying up of previous plot lines, the addition of new even more creative twists, and the shock of the deaths of some of the characters that we've come to love (not saying who) it's hard to think of a way that this book could have been better.
All in all I loved the Autumn Republic. I found myself slipping away at every available free moment (and even some not so free moments) to read more of this spectacular book. I full-heatedly recommend this trilogy to anyone who is looking for an pulse pounding, well written fantasy novel, and feel that it is perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Douglas Hulick, and Brent Weeks.
Published: Orbit
Publisher: February 10, 2015
Price: $26.00
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